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Six effective ways to Ensure Successful Test Environment Management

July 24 2020 , Written by Enov8 Published on #IT Test Environment Management

In every IT company, there is always a well-equipped Tester or a team of testers to test any software before making them live using the Test Environment Management. It is done to assure that no bugs, errors, or defects are present in the software or applications. It is very reliable for any IT company because it allows the tester to easily change any pieces of information in the project to enhance it. Therefore, it is essential to bring up a Glitch-free, optimistic, fast in performance result, to get reputations in the IT Markets. 

For that, an active Test Environment needs to be set up, which includes both Software and Hardware configured before initiating it as the tester needs to monitor how the software input is working with the Machines or hardware. 

There are many factors to consider before you can come up with the most successful IT Test Environment Management

So, here are the five effective ways to Ensure successful Test Environment Management:

1. Note the Customers Demand

Before you even start developing any software, it is of foremost importance to have proper research and analysis of the needs and expectations of the customers. Because ultimately, it is all about satisfying the customers.

Draft proper goals before starting the project and assign it to your Crew accordingly without wasting any time.

2. Find a Disciplined Team


Unity and Majority is the key to success. So make sure to have an enthusiastic and well-disciplined team with well-trained Testers and other crews. It will slow down the team and reduce efficiency. Making New test Environment is not Advisable so make it successful at just one go. 

Besides getting a Discipline team, a well-trained and optimistic Team Leader is also very important as proper planning, and monitoring of the work is necessary as well as having good knowledge of technology. With a good team leader, a proper routine and schedule can be marked to fulfill the requirement of a successful Test Environment management.

3. Choose the Best Tools for Software Testings

Without the right tools, a Tester cannot test the Softwares in the most productive and acceptable ways. So, determining which tools to use for different Projects assigned is also very much required. 

Having a tool with a higher efficiency rate is necessary as the tester cannot pin out the bugs or errors in the software solved. With high-quality tools, the tester can easily debug any bugs or errors in just time and keep the projects going further.

Some of the most potent tools are the Silk test, Squish; TestComplete; Ranorex; Appium; EggPlant. They have an excellent reputation and are always the favorite for many Testers.

4. Test The Softwares at first Place of SDLC:

The most common mistake that a Tester team makes while working on any Softwares is that they fail to test it as soon as they code any new lines. As you keep the codes stagnant without testing it instantly, encountering more bugs at the end of the program is predictable. So, avoid those habits and test the codes as soon as you complete any lines. Why waste more money and effort on debugging the Bugs or Errors. Be more careful and productive from the beginning if you want to have successful testing at the end.

5. Implement Iterative Approach

The Iterative Approach is very reliable as it breaks down the products into two-phase for better and fast debugging of any Bugs and so fixing them becomes easy. 

6. Compatibility

The testing purpose can vary according to Applications or Softwares you want to test it for. But, it is of Foremost importance that a Test Environment has a wide range of compatibility. If you're going to run a test on your Mobile Application, make sure that it supports the OS.

For web-based applications testing, it is necessary to have a Web Browser, which is up to date and is of the latest Versions. 

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